Payatas - Metro Manila

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 As a neglected tropical disease, rabies is still a public health problem in the Philippines with 200-250 Filipinos dying from rabies every year.

 A rabies dog vaccination team visits impoverished Payatas, Quezon City, Metro Manila in the Philippines.

 In a study in select areas of the country, 88% of Filipinos didn’t understand how #rabies is transmitted nor how to recognise symptoms in dogs.

 A recent Global Alliance for Rabies Control study revealed number of dogs in select areas of the Philippines may be four times the government estimate.

 A recent study in select areas of the Philippines found that 60% of dogs are owned but free-roaming.

 A study in select areas of the Philippines found that 67% people know dog vaccination prevents rabies but only 33% brought their dogs to be vaccinated.

 In a study in select areas of the Philippines, 48% of respondents would go to a faith healer if bitten by a dog despite Dept. of Health providing free post-exposure vaccinations.

 In 2015, there were 24 rabies cases in dogs and 3 human rabies cases were reported in Quezon City with Payatas identified as one of the high-risk areas. 

 When people evacuate or are resettled after a natural disaster, most pets are displaced and become ownerless.

 Philippines Dept. of Health & Dept. of Agriculture are championing rabies elimination after successful eradication of Foot & Mouth Disease.
