"Why kill Me?" caricature competition against culling dogs announced by Fayoum Caricature Museum. Help us spread the word and statement by GARC - lets all work on adopting the Global Stratefic Framework for Dog Mediated Rabies:  Educate - Vaccinate - Eliminate Rabies-  to achieve a great exhibition helping to stop killing dogs. Stay tuned for the date of the exhibition and awareness day.

"Why kill Me?" caricature competition against culling dogs announced by Fayoum Caricature Museum. Help us spread the word and statement by GARC - lets all work on adopting the Global Stratefic Framework for Dog Mediated Rabies:  Educate - Vaccinate - Eliminate Rabies-  to achieve a great exhibition helping to stop killing dogs. The date of the exhibition and awareness day October 16th.

#WorldRabiesDay, #Rabies, #EndRabiesNow, #ZeroBy30

مسابقة "ليه تقتلني؟" للكاريكاتير للتنديد بقتل الكلاب - اتباع المنهج العلمي المستدام القائم علي التوعية و التطعيم كاستراتيجية 2030 - نعتمد تقرير التحالف العالمي للقضاء علي

السعار في حملتنا -. برجاء المشاركة الكثيفة حتي نخرج بمعرض قوي لوقف قتل الكلاب موعدنا 16 اكتوبر.

Event images

STOP CULLING CARICATURE ART COMPETITION - "Why kill Me?" caricature competition against culling dogs announced by Fayoum Caricature Museum. Help us spread the word and statement by GARC - lets all work on adopting the Global Stratefic Framework for Dog Mediated Rabies:  Educate - Vaccinate - Eliminate Rabies-  to achieve a great exhibition helping to stop killing dogs. Stay tuned for the date of the exhibition and awareness day.
caricature competition Fayoum Art Center
caricature competition Fayoum Art Center
caricature competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center
Caricature Competition Fayoum Art Center