The Kenya Veterinary Association in collaboration with Kenya Medical Association and Zoonotic Disease Unit will spearhead activities to mark this years WRD in Kisumu County of Kenya. The activities earmarked for commemoration of this will include:

  • Hold a one day Rabies scientific conference on 27th September 2017 to share the new research findings in the rabies and share experiences.
  • Holding processions and talks in schools involving teachers and school children about rabies transmission, prevention and control;
  • Mass dog and cat vaccination and population control measures like spay and neuter.
  • All the sick animals will also be attended to.
  • Involving education, research institutions development organizations and others to share rabies research work in Kenya;
  • Media interviews, adverts broadcast on leading TV and radio stations, magazine write ups and social media engagement to create awareness on rabies. The briefings to the media will centrally highlight the effects of rabies and what people should do to avoid it and if contacted where to receive help.
  • Distribution of publicity materials with WRD logo to all participants of the WRD.