
Khim Bahadur Ale has been working in the field of rabies since 2013. He has been directly involved in more than 20 anti rabies vaccination camps for dogs. He has coordinated some of them, some were under his presidentship of the student organization, and he participated in some as a volunteer. He is also involved in the yearly vaccination and sterilisation camp run by HART Nepal.
Mr Ale has also been involved in a rabies awareness program for lower secondary level school students,  teaching them about prevention of dog bites, vaccination of pets, pre and post exposure vaccination etc. Over 2,000 students have been reached so far. 

As part of his work with HART Nepal, he has worked in sterilisation camps and is also involved in a street drama about rabies, which increased community awareness and has also attracted media attention. 

(Extract from nomination)

View 2018 World Rabies Day event
