
Rabies Elimination Progress

Latest SARE score: 2 (2018)
In-country SARE assessment done: Oui

The Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE) is a practical planning, monitoring and evaluation tool to guide, develop and refine rabies control programmes. It provides measurable steps, designed as a logical flow of activities, to progress from Stage 0 to Stage 5, in efforts towards freedom from dog-transmitted rabies.


A SARE score of 2 out of 5 signifies a country where a national rabies control strategy has been drafted and is being implemented.


2018: In-country SARE assessment
Madagascar_In-country SARE assessment 2018.xlsm
2017: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Madagascar SARE assessment_PARACON 2017.xlsm
2015: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting

Epidemiological Data

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In-country Capacity Building

octobre 2023
Analamanga and Sofia Regions

GARC assisted Institut Pasteur and the Government's efforts to track human exposures at the community level in the Analamanga and Sofia Regions through the use of the Bite Case Tracker (BCT) on the GARC App.

août 2019

The second phase of the mass dog vaccination campaign kicked off in Alaotra-Mangoro. The campaign - driven by the Department of Veterinary Services and supported by GARC, IOC and WAP - used the donated vaccine from the "Shots for Good" project driven by Boehringer-Ingelheim. Within the two-week period, more than 10 000 dogs and cats were vaccinated against rabies.

juillet 2019

After many months of careful planning and discussions, the first mass vaccination campaign was launched in Antananarivo by the Department of Veterinary Services in collaboration with GARC and the IOC. Our executive director, Professor Louis Nel, was there to help plan and initiate the events, while also providing training on the use of the GARC Data Logger (GDL) devices to track each vaccination.

septembre 2018
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "New WHO recommendations on human rabies immunization and results of Gavi’s Learning Agenda on rabies & 2nd international meeting of the Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON)" (more information)

août 2018

GARC facilitated an in-country SARE workshop to assess the current situation and develop a comprehensive short-term Workplan for the prioritisation of rabies activities. Using this as a platform, the stakeholders held discussions relating to the development of a strategic vaccination plan based on a vaccine donation of 75 000 doses from Boehringer-Ingelheim.

septembre 2017
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "2nd sub-Regional PARACON meeting" (more information)

juin 2015
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "Inaugural Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON) meeting" (more information)