2nd Full PARACON - WHO Joint meeting (2018)
The 2nd PARACON meeting was a joint meeting with the World Health Organisation (WHO), with participation from both Anglophone and Francophone countries of sub-Saharan Africa as well as several international experts from around the world.
Presentations - Day 1Presentations - Day 1
Below are all of the presentations from the first day of the meeting (Wednesday 12 September 2018). These presentations include sessions 1 - 4.
Session 1: Opening
Rabies Elimination Tree: Louis Nel (GARC)
Objectives and outcomes: Bernadette Abela-Ridder (WHO)
Session 2: The new WHO position on human rabies immunization
Key changes, potential public health impact in countries: Lea Knopf (WHO)
Highlights from the SAGE working group on rabies (Part 1): Lucille Blumberg (NICD)
Session 3:
Session 3a: Human rabies vaccine and immunoglobulins.
Insights from the surveys on PEP procurement, distribution and delivery
Session 3b: Planning and delivery of mass dog vaccination
Tools and mechanisms available, country experience
OIE rabies vaccine bank: Vessaly Kallo (Cote d'Ivoire)
Innovative dog vaccination campaign delivery: Amanda Naude (ZNSPCA)
Session 3c: Dog population management and animal welfare
Moving forward with eliminating mass culling and improving dog population management (DPM) in Africa
The benefit of DPM and animal welfare: Tennyson Williams (WAP)
Session 4: Education, awareness and health seeking behaviour
GARC Education Platform (GEP): Andre Coetzer (GARC)
Institut Pasteur and partners e-learning courses: Herve Bourhy (Institut Pasteur Paris)
Bite prevention and rabies awareness in school children: Amanda Naude (ZNSPCA)
Example of engaging community health workers in rabies prevention: Kevin le Roux (South Africa)
World Rabies Day: Share a message, save a life: Celeste Schepers (GARC)
Presentations - Day 2Presentations - Day 2
Below are all of the presentations from the first day of the meeting (Thursday 13 September 2018). These presentations include sessions 5 and 6.
Session 5: One Health (OH) collaboration
Introduction to Integrated Bite Case Management (IBCM): Emily Pieracci (US CDC)
Session 6: Surveillance, data collection and reporting and Rabies Epidemiological Bulletin workshop
Introduction to the Rabies Epidemiological Bulletin: Terence Scott (GARC)
Impact of surveillance, data collection and reporting on programmes: Athman Mwatondo (Kenya)
How to improve quality of data for monitoring progress of rabies programmes: Rauna Athingo (Namibia)
Session 7: National programmes and strategies for rabies elimination, SARE workshop
Session 7a: Existing tools for, and examples of, the development of national rabies elimination programmes and strategies
The concept of the SARE in developing and monitoring national strategies: Andre Coetzer (GARC)
Session 7b: Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination workshop
The SARE scores from the SARE workshop will be available under the Rabies Epidemiological Bulletin section of the GARC website for those countries that have granted permissions for this data to be shared.
Presentations - Day 3Presentations - Day 3
Below are all of the presentations from the first day of the meeting (Thursday 13 September 2018). These presentations include sessions 7c, 8 and 9.
Session 7: National programmes and strategies for rabies elimination, SARE workshop
Session 7c: Feedback session on SARE outputs
National Policy Brief template presentation: Andre Coetzer (GARC)
Session 8: Global and regional strategies, United Against Rabies (UAR)
Regional rabies control networks: Alignment with the UAR strategic plan: Louis Nel (GARC)
Session 9: Summary of meeting outcomes & partner commitment, closing
Closure of the meeting: Bernadette Abela-Ridder (WHO) and Louis Nel (GARC)
Meeting FilesMeeting Files
List of Participants / Liste des Participants
Group Photo / Photo de Famille
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 1 - Part 1
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 1 - Part 2
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 1 - Part 3
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 2 - Part 1
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 2 - Part 2
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 2 - Part 3
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 3 - Part 1
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 3 - Part 2
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 3 - Part 3
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 3 - Part 4
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 4 - Part 1
Photo Pack - Day 1 - Session 4 - Part 2
Photo Pack - Day 2 - Session 5
Photo Pack - Day 2 - Session 6
Photo Pack - Day 2 - Session 7
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 1
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 2
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 3
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 4
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 5
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 6
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Breakout Session - Part 7
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Session 8
Photo Pack - Day 3 - Session 9