
Carlie Rooivlag Rabies Awareness was started following the death of 6-year-old Carlie du Plessis from rabies, to help others by raising awareness of rabies prevention. As Carlie loved netball, they joined Living Ball (Pretoria) and Rugby Skills Development (Pretoria) to use sport events as a platform to provide information to the little ones and parents. This includes preventing dog bites, asking people to vaccinate their pets, and never to touch stray animals. Programmes are also held at kindergartens. 

Carlie Rooivlag Rabies Awareness helps shelters with vaccine donations. By making purple bracelets (Carlie's favorite colour) with dog charms it raises money, and also sells personalised netballs for funds. It partnered with a dog food company, Epol, to add rabies awareness information to its packaging. 

It works closely with vets, and besides Facebook awareness it also does radio and TV. It tries to be a information centre for all to see and tag as much information of other awareness bodies in South Africa and spread the news of their good work and what is going on in the community.

(Adapted extract from nomination)
