iGive.com is changing online shopping for good.
With iGive.com, you don’t have to choose between buying something or sending a donation to GARC. Now you can buy the things you need, save money with exclusive iGive coupons and deals, and feel good knowing that a portion of each purchase benefits our organization.
Help raise money for us without spending anything you wouldn't already be spending. And isn't that a gift in itself?
It sure makes shopping more bearable to know that the store is giving part of your purchase back to help our cause.
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Get the browser button
The iGive Button does it all for you! The iGive button is on your browsers so you don't have to "think" about it... it just tells you if are on a partner site and asks to confirm that you want to give.
If you don't already have the button (the little dandelion seed next to your browser), please consider downloading this option. It makes donating even easier so you never miss an opportunity.