Are you a Community Health Worker that wants to protect your community from rabies?

Even though the Community Coordinator for rabies Certificate (CCC) course can be completed by anyone who wants to become a rabies focal person in their community, the course was specifically designed to empower Community Health Workers.


Community Coordinator for Rabies Certificate (CCC)

This course has been designed to be an informative follow-on course that provides an additional layer of proficiency for certified rabies educators. By completing this course, graduates are provided with additional knowledge and best practices for rabies prevention and are thus able to manage various common rabies-related situations within communities. By completing this course, CCC graduates are empowered to be knowledgeable rabies focal persons within their community.


Core themes of the CCC coursework

  • Coordinating rabies control activities at the community-level
  • Building relationships with community leaders
  • Building links with the animal and human health sectors in the community
  • Assisting with mass vaccination events at the community-level
  • Managing bite cases and possible rabies exposures within a community
  • Managing waste as a means to manage free roaming dogs in the community


  • English 
  • French
  • Spanish

Global Reach of the CCC

See how many CCC graduates there are in your country by clicking on the map below! These maps are updated every month, so follow your country's progress over time.


Download the CCC flyers

You can download these flyers to share with friends, colleagues, and community members. Share on social media, via email or put it on your web page or blog to encourage others to become rabies focal persons within their communities. 

Rabies Educator Certificate (REC)

Not yet a certified rabies educator?

Learn about rabies and empower yourself to provide life-saving information to others. The Rabies Educator Certificate is the foundational course that must be completed to undertake any other course.

Animal Handling and Vaccination Certificate (AVC)

Animal Handling and Vaccination Certificate (AVC)

The Animal Handling and Vaccination Certificate (AVC) is a profession-specific course that teaches participants about assessing animal behaviour and the safe and humane handling and vaccination of dogs. 

Rabies Healthcare Certificate (RHC)

Rabies Healthcare Certificate (RHC)

The Rabies Healthcare Certificate (RHC) is a profession-specific course that teaches participants on all aspect of human rabies and its treatment using the latest guidelines provided the World Health Organization in 2018.