New teaching materials for WRD

GARC has commissioned comprehensive new educational materials for World Rabies Day from Valeria Fontanals. 

The new materials will develop children's awareness of good pet ownership, how to prevent rabies and how to treat exposure to the disease. Available in English and Spanish, these materials will be a powerful tool to raise awareness of rabies around the globe.

"I'm using the theory of Multiple Intelligence to create the new materials", says Valeria. "This theory proposes we all have eight distinctive but coordinated intelligences, each related to different aspects of our culture and different parts of the brain. The theory helps teachers nurture each child according to his or her learning styles."

This project will give teachers ready-to-use materials for each subject: activities with step-by-step instructions, worksheets, games and information about rabies. The materials will be divided into four subjects: Language and Literacy, Math, Science, and Visual Arts (Music and Drama). And each subject has three levels (grades 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9) to make them developmentally appropriate.

"The children will have fun playing games, creating songs, designing posters, as well as practicing literacy, numeracy and social skills. And all the time learning about rabies", says Valeria.

The project will be ready so that GARC can release the materials as part of the World Rabies Day celebrations. They will be available free from  Watch this space for more updates.

Valeria Fontanals is an educational psychologist and kingergarten teacher with a Master of Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has experience as a consultant, teacher, therapist and trainer in U.S.A, Argentina, China and India. She is the founder of