Patient awareness activity

On world rabies day 2024 we as health educators wanted to raise awareness about the disease.

We approach the disease as human healthcare professionals and as veterinarians about how to be a responsible owner and a responsible community.

We introduce vaccination services to both humans and animals as we collaborate to use rabies elimination as an example of One Health.

Event images

Patient awareness activity
Patient awareness activity
Patient awareness activity by professional patient educator:Rabab Hatem
Patient awareness activity
Patient awareness activity
Educational materials
Educational content
Educational content
Educational content
Educational content
Educational content
Immunizations of stray dogs in partnership with Beheira Veterinary syndicate under patronage of president of Beheira syndicate Dr.Safaa Ghorbal
Immunizations of stray dogs in partnership with Beheira Veterinary syndicate
Patient education activities held by Beheira Medical Affairs directorate
Beheira Medical affairs directorate doing educational activities about rabies to school children
Beheira Medical affairs directorate doing educational activities about rabies to school children
Immunization of stray dogs by Beheira Veterinary directorate in collaboration with Animal Protection Foundation under supervision of Dr.Sahar Shoeir
Immunization of stray dogs by Beheira Veterinary directorate in collaboration with Animal Protection Foundation under supervision of Dr.Sahar Shoeir
Veterinary + human health lecture