Your Work
Where do you work?
Lamu Animal Welfare Clinic, a charitable organization based in Lamu, Kenya. We promote animal welfare in the community. We carry out trap, neuter, vaccination, return campaign all through the year to control population. We treat sick animals..
When did you start your work?
What rabies elimination work do you do?
Vaccination of both dogs, cats and donkeys
Carrying out trap, neuter, vaccination, return campaign of cats all year round.
Rabies sensitization through visiting both primary and secondary schools
Continuously sensitizing on dog neutering to control population and also vaccination those we neuter
Collaborating with the county government and all other stakeholders who carry out similar rabies campaigns
Your Work in Numbers
Number of animals vaccinated against rabies (last year) 1112
Number of animals sterilized (last year) 422
Number of children educated (last year) 198
Number of adults educated (last year) 95
Number of Professionals trained (last year) 2
Your Work's Impact
We have made the community become more compassionate and empathetic towards animals. This has been shown by having them bring sick streets cats to the clinic for treatment and also those home owned animals being brought over whenever they are unwell. We have sensitized the community on rabies and the need to vaccinate their animals. We have also sensitized them on the need of neutering their pets. This has continuously been embraced in a community where sterilization is viewed as a taboo due to cultural reasons. We have over the years sensitized the school going children and also adults on animal welfare, and this impact has been seen in the community embracing and practicing the five animal freedoms.
Government partners
Department of Livestock, Lamu County Government.
Government collaboration:
10 years
NGO Partners
The Donkey Sanctuary
Safari Vets
NGO collaboration:
The Donkey Sanctuary - 6years Safari Vets - 4years
Innovations and Learnings
What is innovative about your approach?
We cater for transport arrangements for the dog owners who live far away from the clinic and consent to their animals being neutered.
We carry out field neutering clinics in various parts of the island.
We have art classes whereby we engage with school kids in a more ludic way such as them drawing and writing about their favorite animals, all to promote animal welfare in the community.
Lessons learned (Positive)
The community embracing animal welfare through practicing the five animal freedoms.
Being able to save the lives of the sick animals and thus contributing to the general wellness of both the animal and its owner(s)
Being a figure in the community that is associated with animal wellness and continuously maintaining that.
Lessons learned (Negative)
Negativity among some community members on the issue of animal neutering due to cultural beliefs.
Negativity among some donkey owners who fail to practice good animal welfare on their working donkeys.
** All information adapted from the submitted nomination form**