Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society, a shortlisted nominee for the GARC World Rabies Day awards 2020


LAWCS has been working over 10 years focusing on rabies elimination initiatives in rural Liberia. The program includes dog bite prevention education program for kids in over 45 schools with over 20,000 kids every year, responsible dog ownership program that educates pet owners how the best ways to take care of their dogs and cats to reduce the spread of rabies and improve the health of the animals, campaign against pet eat that discourages people from eating dog and cat meat and free outreach animal healthcare program that targets over 4,000 dogs and cats every year which includes rabies and parvovirus vaccinations, deworming, mange treatment, wound dressing, tick and flea prevention, pet feeding, etc. These activities
are done every year for the past 10 years all gear toward rabies elimination and promoting the One Health Concept.

Our work:

LAWCS runs the following programs:
1. Free Outreach Animal Healthcare Program: The program has impacted the lives of over 10,000 dogs and cats for the past years. The program visits remote villages and provide free rabies vaccination and other healthcare programs for dogs and cats. The program has been able to reduce the incident of dog bite cases in those villages/communities. The program has also improve the relationship between the people and their
pets. LAWCS is the only organization in rural Liberia providing this initiative.

2. Rabies Awareness and Dog Bite Prevention Education: The program is done yearly and it is done in schools and communities. Children are the main victims of animal bites especially dogs so LAWCS runs a program that educate the children about dogs and cats, their behaviors, how to interact with them, how to approach strange dogs and cats and how to protect themselves when attacked by dogs and cats. Over 50,000 kids have been met and inspired by the program. The program has been able to reduce the
incident of dog bite cases among the kids in the region

3. Responsible Pet Ownership Program: The program inspires pet owners to reflect on the unconditional love of their pets, the contributions, and how they can improve the relationship and love for their pets. The program also discourages people from eat dog and cat meat. This program has drastically reduced the consumption of dog and cat meat in the region. people now appreciate their pets and value them.


Every year, LAWCS rabies awareness and prevention program reached and inspired over 5,000 adults and 18,000 kids who are the main victims of animal bites especially dogs. LAWCS also provides free comprehensive animal healthcare program to over 4,000 dogs and cats every year.

(content modified from nomination information)

Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society, GARC World Rabies Day awards nominee activities 2020, including vaccination.
Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society, GARC World Rabies Day awards nominee activities 2020, including children's education and community awareness
Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society, GARC World Rabies Day awards nominee activities 2020, including education and community awareness