Description of your work
Abraham Fofana has been working in rural Liberia for over 10 years as the only Paravet providing animal welfare education along with free general veterinary care including rabies awareness and vaccination for dogs and cats. Every year, Abraham educates over 7,000 animal owners and kids about rabies, rabies prevention, responsible pet ownership, anti dog and cat meat eating, and dog bite prevention. The education and veterinary care programs have helped to drastically reduce the suffering of dogs and cats, dog and cat meat eating, dog bite cases, the spread of rabies, too much roaming of dogs and cats in search of foods, and the mass killing of dogs due to rabies cases. The programs have also improved relationship between dogs, cats and the communities. People now see dogs and cats as parts of the family.
Impact in numbers
Abraham Fofana is a committed and compassion Animal Healthcare Worker who is dedicating his time and life for the improvement of animals and people in rural Liberia. Every year, Abraham performs the followings:
1. Educates up to 7000 people including kids on responsible pet ownership, anti-dog and cat meat eating, rabies awareness, and dog bite prevention;
2. provides free community to community veterinary services to 5000 dogs
and cats;
3. Provides free rabies vaccination to 2000 to 3000 dogs and cats;
4. Neuters up to 1000 dogs
5. promotes Pet For Life program in schools and communities and reaches
up to 10,000 people
Impact (description)
As the result of the programs implemented by the Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society (LAWCS) through Abraham Fofana,
1. There has been drastic reduction of dog bite incidences because kids who are the main victims of dog bite know about dog body language, how to interact with dogs and cats, and how to prevent dog bite
2. There has been drastic reduction in mass killing of dogs due to rabies cases because communities are now knowledgeable about rabies, and its prevention and always bring their dogs and cats forth for vaccination when Abraham is around in their communities
3. The relationship between dogs and cats has greatly improved because community people have been educated and now considered dogs as pets not as food like before the intervention of LAWCS
4. LAWCS/Abraham is always consulted by the local authorities in cases involving dogs and people. Abraham serves as adviser to the local authorities when it comes to animals in the various communities
Share a personal experience
Few years ago, mass killing of dogs due to suspected cases of rabies was the only method used by local authorities. Dogs were indiscriminately killed including owned dogs. The method continued to improve lot of suspected rabies cases. Abraham took up the case and started educating kids about dog body language, rabies and dog bite prevention. The program extended to various communities using the ONE HEALTH CONCEPT. The intervention has helped dogs to happily live within the communities without fear. As a result of the program, dogs are now happy, healthy and friendly in the various communities, and the people have also built relationship with their dogs.
Works very closely with
1) the City Councils of Voinjama, Kolahun and Foya,
2) the Ministry of Agriculture.
3) local leaders of the various towns. The program is highly promoted by the local leaders because they want to see their communities and people safe.
*Information adapted from nomination form submitted.