Description of your work
I am advocating for Animal Welfare from past 24 years. I have been organizing large number of community educational, sensitization cum capacity building for building companionate society for Animals. In May 2019, Jaipur City witness alarming rise in the dog bite cases. Dog bite has caused fatal injuries to more than dozen people in Jaipur. Children were the major victims. They were brutally bitten and were hospitalized. This has led to community outrage of ruthless killing of the Dogs with the fear of Rabies. I interacted with Community Members, Parents and Children in the Dog Bite region. They were ignorant about the Dog Behaviour and Anti Rabies Vaccination. Lack of knowledge in community has caused unnecessary Pain & Suffering to Dogs & Children alike. I immediately initiated “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign” in collaboration with Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), Government of India; Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying; Government of India; Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Rajasthan; Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A.)-Jaipur; Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Government of Rajasthan & WORLD organization to aware, educate and generate community participation for Anti Rabies Vaccination & Dog Bite Preventive Measures for healthy and harmonious Coexistences of Dogs in society. I have designed Special Pictorial educational Materials in local dialect Hindi to reach out to the maximum. As Certified Rabies Educators of Global Alliance for Rabies Control, I firmly believe that Community Education and Participation is vital for Zero Rabies by 2030. With this objective, I have been organizing large number of educational activities comprising of Storytelling Sessions, Educational lectures, Interactive sessions etc. among students, children, youth & community to promote Anti Rabies Vaccination & Dog Bite Preventive Measures for Healthy & Sustainable Coexistence. Under “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign” I have organized Community Senstization and Capacity Development program in more than 1000 schools and 300 community areas in Jaipur. I am working with Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) leading National Animal Organization Agency of Government of India. I have been successful in issuance of various advisories to State Government & Local Administration for effective implementation of Animal Birth Control Programme for Dog Population Control. I have organize more than 150 Free Anti Rabies Vaccination Camp in collaboration with Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) Government of India and Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Rajasthan. I have built network of Youth Volunteers for awareness about Anti Rabies Vaccination & Dog Bite Preventive Measures in their region. I have widely publishing about Anti Rabies Vaccination Camps, Dog Bite Preventive Measures, Community Senstization and Capacity Development program through print and social media to reach out to the masses. I have incorporated the “Community For Rabies” in my awareness & education campaign of “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign” for managing community in our goal Zero Rabies by 2030. Impact in numbers Under “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign” I have organized Community Senstization And Capacity Development Program in more than 1000 schools and 300 community areas in Jaipur promoting Anti Rabies Vaccination & Dog Bite Preventive Measures to build Healthy & Sustainable Coexistence. Students Senstization & Educational Activity is conducted in 1000 schools with minimum 200 students so educate and aware 200 students × 1000 schools = 200000 Students. 200000 Students reach out to 10 families so 200000 Students ×10 family × 6 family members = 120,00,000 people. Community Senstization And Capacity Development Program is conducted in 300 community regions so educating and sensitizing 200 Households × 300 region = 60000 people. These 60000 Community members educate at least 10 families so 60000 people ×10 family × 6 family members = 36, 00,000 people. “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign” has educated and sensitize 156, 00,000 people to strive for Zero Rabies by 2030. Media Publication of various activities has further more enhance the number of people educated and sensitized for Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign.
Impact (description)
I have been executing “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign”. I have organized Community Sensitization and Capacity Development Program in more than 1000 schools and 300 community areas in Jaipur. I have reach out to educate and sanitize 156, 00,000 people promoting Anti Rabies Vaccination & Dog Bite Preventive Measures to build Healthy & Sustainable Coexistence. This has educated children and families to adopt Dog Bite Preventive Measures. This behavioural change has reduced the Dog bite in the region. Parents are taking extra care for their children behaviour towards Street Dog. Pet Owners are sensitize for proper care and Anti-Rabies Vaccinations. Community in high Dog Populated region are actively participating in the Anti-Rabies Vaccinations. I have built the network of youth and community leader to promote community participation in Anti-Rabies Vaccinations. It has restored harmonious relation between Dog and Community. I strive to build a sustainable community network to work actively for Zero Rabies by
2030. I am generating collaboration of various stakeholders under one umbrella for the cause. I have been collaborating with National, State and Local Administration, community & youth groups for effective implementation of policies and plan for Zero Rabies by 2030.
Share a personal experience
In May 2019, Jaipur City witness alarming rise in the dog bite cases causing fatal injuries to children & people in Jaipur. Children were hospitalized. These incident provoked intolerance leading to ruthless killing of the dogs for the fear of rabies. These incident has deeply shaken my soul. I immediately initiated “Rabies Free Jaipur Campaign” educating and sensitizing community for Dogs Anti Rabies Vaccination & Dog Bite
Preventive Measures. With time Students, Youth, Women and community leaders are vaccinating Street and Pet Dogs in free Anti Rabies Vaccination Camps for “Rabies Free Jaipur”.
Animal Welfare Board of India, Government of India
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India
Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India
Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Rajasthan
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A.)-Jaipur;
Government of Rajasthan ,
Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Government of Rajasthan
National Cadet Corps (NCC ) - National Youth Organization
Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts& Guide- National Youth Society
*Information adapted from nomination form submitted.