
Rabies Elimination Progress

Latest SARE score: 1.5 (2018)
In-country SARE assessment done: Yes

The Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE) is a practical planning, monitoring and evaluation tool to guide, develop and refine rabies control programmes. It provides measurable steps, designed as a logical flow of activities, to progress from Stage 0 to Stage 5, in efforts towards freedom from dog-transmitted rabies.

A SARE score of 1.5 out of 5 signifies a country where small-scale rabies control programs are in place and the country is working towards developing a national rabies control programme.


2018: In-country SARE assessment
Guinea_In-country SARE assessment 2018.xlsm
2016: SARE assessment at a PARACON workshop
Guinea SARE assessment_PARACON 2016.xlsx

Epidemiological Data

This country is using the Rabies Epidemiological Bulletin but has not agreed to share their data publicly.

In-country Capacity Building

March 2023

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "Supporting rabies elimination in Africa through a One Health stepwise approach” workshop, which was jointly hosted by the FAO and GARC.

July 2022
Labe Province

GARC supported the government of Guinea with the localisation, training and implementation of the RCS tool at a regional laboratory in the Labe Province. Rabies data from several provinces across the country is being captured and analysed using the GARC surveillance tool.

June 2018

GARC facilitated the formation of a National Taskforce for Rabies Control and Prevention for Guinea.

March 2018

GARC, CDC and the FAO facilitated an in-country SARE workshop to assess the current situation and develop a comprehensive short-term Workplan for the prioritisation of rabies activities.

March 2018

GARC trained laboratory personnel in DRIT diagnosis in Conakry where the first suspect rabies sample was tested in Guinea

June 2016
Cote d'Ivoire

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "1st sub-Regional PARACON meeting" (more information)