Newsletter Issue 71
December, 2021
Welcome to the December 2021 issue of the GARC newsletter. In this issue, we focus on the year 2021 and what GARC has achieved, with the help and support of all our donors, collaborators and partners. We also give feedback on the wonderful successes of World Rabies Day 2021.
Don't wait, read more inside!
GARC News Articles
A word from our Executive Director
Hear from our Executive Director, Professor Louis Nel, as he briefly reflects on our purpose and quintessential strategy, and thanks our partners and collaborators for their support.
Overview of the main activities of GARC in 2021
We look back at 2021 and highlight some of our activities and achievements for the year. While our ability to provide in-person support continued to be significantly hindered because of travel restrictions and lockdowns, we remained committed to ensure that the goal of rabies elimination should not be forgotten during these extraordinary times.
Facts, not Fear in the spotlight for World Rabies Day 2021!
World Rabies Day 2021 was made a success by all of you in the rabies community! GARC would like to thank you all for your participation - which exceeded last year’s - and highlight some of the many activities that made 2021 so special!
Rapid Response Toolkit for Rabies in the Philippines
Prompt action saves lives. The Philippines is developing the Rapid Response Toolkit for Rabies to serve as a quick reference guide to effectively respond to rabies. Through the One Health approach, the toolkit highlights the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders in responding to rabies cases efficiently.