Nominations: World Rabies Day awards

World Rabies Day awards

Welcome to the Nominations form for the World Rabies Day 2024 awards. 

Following from the success of the World Rabies Day awards last year, we are again focusing on the impact in communities by champions with strengths in different areas. We have focused on celebrating those individuals who are making a difference, especially through One Health. However, while you are being nominated as an individual, the relevant work of your organization can be included, as we do not expect you to achieve everything alone. Please be sure to only include work that you are involved with within your organization.

Please note that all work, impact, and reporting should relate to rabies control and elimination activities only. The impact of your work should only include not-for-profit work, therefore data on paid services should not be included (e.g., private practices reporting on paid customers).

Criteria: Preference will be given to individuals who perform outreach in their local community.

Nominations are now open! Please nominate yourself or a colleague or friend for their chance to be recognized as a World Rabies Day awardee. Please complete the form with all possible relevant information to improve your chances of winning. 

GARC standard light orange line divider

Nominee Details

Enter your Organization's name if applicable
Please include the full URL for your website, including the http:// or https:// before your address, as follows:

Award Category

Please select the most appropriate award category.

Your Work

Please describe where you work.
Describe your rabies elimination work (max 500 words).
Details about your work

Your Work in Numbers

Please provide data for last year (January - December) only
Please provide the number of animals (all animals) that you, or your organization, vaccinated against rabies last year. Only include rabies vaccinations. 
Animals sterilized last year.
Number of children educated about rabies and/or dog welfare last year.
Adults educated about rabies or dog welfare last year. 
Number of professionals trained on rabies prevention or humane dog population management last year. 
Please include other numbers that are not included in the above categories. Please provide a short description and the corresponding number. 

Your Work's Impact

Please describe the impact that your work has had on your community (max 500 words).


List all government partners.
How long have you collaborated with each government partner?
List all non-governmental organization partners.
How long have you collaborated with each NGO partner?
Please list any other partners that you collaborate with. 
How long have you collaborated with other partners?

Innovations and Learnings

Describe any innovations in your work (max 500 words).
Please share any positive lessons learned (max 200 words).
Please share any negative lessons learned (max 200 words).

Additional Information

Maximum 8 files.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Please attach any additional information that you think may be helpful, especially in terms of demonstrating your impact (e.g., reports, graphs, maps, etc.).
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.