Sri Lanka

Rabies Elimination Progress

Latest SARE score: 1.5 (2019)
In-country SARE assessment done: Yes

The Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE) is a practical planning, monitoring and evaluation tool to guide, develop and refine rabies control programs. It provides measurable steps, designed as a logical flow of activities, to progress from Stage 0 to Stage 5, in efforts towards freedom from dog-transmitted rabies.

According to the United Against Rabies (UAR) Rabies Roadmap, a SARE score of 1.5 out of 5 signifies the following: "Dog-mediated rabies is endemic. The country is in the process of building an evidence-base in support of the development and implementation of rabies elimination initiatives at the national-level."


2019: In-country SARE assessment
Sri Lanka In-country assessment 2019 V4.xlsm
2018: SARE assessment undertaken at an ARACON workshop
Sri Lanka SARE Assessment ARACON 2018.xlsm

Epidemiological Data

This country is not currently using the Rabies Epidemiological Bulletin.

In-country Capacity Building

November 2023
Southern province

GARC supported Dziko Dog Project with the Vaccination and Sterilization Tracker (VST) tool on the GARC App.

October 2023
Southern province

GARC recognized WeCare Worldwide as a Rabies Center of Excellence as part of the CAR initiative.

October 2023
Southern province

GARC supported WeCare Worldwide with the Vaccination and Sterilization Tracker (VST) tool on the GARC App.

August 2023
Sri Lanka

GARC launched the Communities Against Rabies(CAR) initiative in Sri Lank, South Africa and Nepal.

June 2019

GARC facilitated a national-level SARE workshop. During the SARE workshop - attended by medical and veterinary personnel from the Health Ministry, Public Health Inspectors, laboratory diagnosticians, bite center medical officers, academia and animal welfare volunteers - the
government assessed their progress towards rabies elimination and generated their rabies elimination workplan.

March 2018
Bangkok, Thailand

Network / Workshop participation:

Attended the inaugural Asian Rabies Control Network (ARACON) meeting (more information)