Newsletter Issue 67
February, 2021
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2021! Read inside about the latest rabies elimination activities from GARC and our partners, as well as our latest exciting campaign.
GARC News Articles

GARC celebrates a scientific milestone.
Reaching more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications is a massive milestone, and in 2020, GARC surpassed this number! We continue to strive toward scientific excellence, ensuring that our work is built upon scrutinized best practice so that we can deliver high-impact projects to drive our mission of ending human and dog rabies globally.

Be part of the FORCE!
No, you did not accidentally subscribe to the Star Wars fan’s newsletter. This FORCE is very real – this FORCE is you! We are excited to announce the launch of the Faces Of Rabies Control and Elimination campaign. Everyone can be involved, so read inside for more details!

#3ToBeFree made possible by you!
2020 was a year full of challenges, but you helped us close the year on a positive note by supporting GARC's #3ToBeFree campaign to help make Zanzibar a rabies-free island!

Zimbabwe keeps rabies surveillance active during the COVID-19 pandemic
If the global COVID-19 pandemic taught Mr Lambert Fadzai Gwenhure (Laboratory scientist and lead researcher, Zimbabwe’s rabies laboratory) anything, it’s that surveillance is of the utmost importance if a disease is going to be controlled and eliminated. Read his personal account on keeping Zimbabwe’s rabies surveillance data up to date and usable so that rabies control efforts continued during these trying times.

Tell us what you think: Rate us on Google!
Now is the chance for you to tell us what you think! Please give us a rating on Google – whether it is about one of our tools, our work, or our activities in your country. It will really help us and should only take 2 minutes of your time!