Tanzania, United Republic of

Rabies Elimination Progress

Latest SARE score: 1.5 (2017)
In-country SARE assessment done: No

The Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE) is a practical planning, monitoring and evaluation tool to guide, develop and refine rabies control programmes. It provides measurable steps, designed as a logical flow of activities, to progress from Stage 0 to Stage 5, in efforts towards freedom from dog-transmitted rabies.


A SARE score of 1.5 out of 5 signifies a country where small-scale rabies control programs are in place and the country is working towards developing a national rabies control programme.


2018: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
2017: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Tanzania SARE assessment_PARACON 2017.xlsm
2015: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Tanzania SARE assessment_PARACON 2015.xlsx

Epidemiological Data

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In-country Capacity Building

October 2023

GARC supported Sokoine University with the Vaccination and Sterilization Tracker (VST) tool on the GARC App.

December 2022

GARC supported the Ifakara Animal Health Institute in the Morogoro region with the Rabies Vaccination Tracker (RVT) tool on the GARC App.

November 2022
Dar Es Salaam

GARC supported the East African Animal Welfare (EAAW) organization in the Dar Es Salaam with the Vaccination and Sterilization Tracker (VST) tool on the GARC App.

November 2022

GARC supported Lake Zone Animal Welfare Organization (LAZAWO) in the Mwanza region with the Vaccination and Sterilization Tracker (VST) tool on the GARC App.

May 2021

A mass rabies vaccination campaign was undertaken in the Kisarawe district of Tanzania in May 2021. During the five-day campaign, more than 1,500 dogs and cats (more than 50% of the targeted population) were vaccinated against rabies, with the GARC app and GARC Data Loggers being used to track each vaccinated animal and monitor the campaign progress in real time. More information here.

December 2018

GARC assisted the "University of Glasgow" in hosting an offline GARC Education Platform workshop for members of their project site in Tanzania. During the various educational workshops, 36 people passed the Rabies Educator Certificate, the Animal Handling and Vaccination Certificate, and the Community Coordinator for Rabies Certificate.

September 2018
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "New WHO recommendations on human rabies immunization and results of Gavi’s Learning Agenda on rabies & 2nd international meeting of the Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON)" (more information)

September 2017
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "2nd sub-Regional PARACON meeting" (more information)

February 2017

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "East Africa rabies community meeting" (more information)

June 2015
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "Inaugural Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON) meeting" (more information)